Sotheby's experts selected for participating in June, 9, 2009 bidding 19 works of the Ukrainian artists, among them - works by Oleg Tistol, Marina Skugareva, Vasiliy Tsagolov, Arsen Savadov, Alexander Roytburd, Alexander Gnilitskiy, Mykola Matsenko, Pavel Makov, Ilia Chichkan, Igor Gusev, Maksim Mamsikov, Victor Pokidants, Vlada Ralko, Oksana Mas.
Starting costs vary from £2,000-3,000 ($2,900-$4,400) to £20,000-25,000 ($29,000-$36,000). Works were selected from collections of the Ukrainian galleries, private collections and author's studios.

Specialists in art mark that presentation of the Ukrainian modern painting on Sotheby\'s London biddings is not only the personal achievement of each artist but also a significant event for Ukraine, which will assist the appearance of the Ukrainian art in world art-space.
A pre-auction exhibition passed on May, 20-21 in the Ukrainian house in Kyiv. During two days, all interested persons were able to familiarize with a display, which presented the Ukrainian lots from the first Sotheby's biddings.